Providing legal assistance to people in difficult situations is one of the directions of our activity. Every day we answer questions of Belarusians about confiscated property, consequences of confiscation, nuances of labour, civil and economic law. The flow of questions does not stop, because Belarusians are constantly leaving the country, being persecuted, coping with new living conditions. And our team of experienced lawyers answers them.
Relatives of political prisoners, oppressed Belarusians, former political prisoners - regardless of their country of residence.
Participants of public initiatives who share democratic principles, support the concept of human rights and gender equality, on legal issues related to activities in Belarus.
We offer not only consultations, but also assistance in drafting documents for state institutions and organisations, developing instructions for the protection of rights.
We have already provided legal assistance to more than 520 Belarusians.
With your support, we will increase the number of people who know their rights and opportunities, choose the right path and take the necessary steps.
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